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為了解決Watch movies free的問題,作者楊鑫 這樣論述:

《環球教育雅思口語官方題庫》按照雅思口語考試的方式,將內容分為三部分,分別對應雅思口語考試中的Part 1、Part 2及Part 3。 《環球教育雅思口語官方題庫》第一部分,共提供99個話題,筆者挑選了近幾年雅思口語考試Part 1部分的高頻真題。這些話題在《環球教育雅思口語官方題庫》中被詳細分為以下6類:基本資訊類、人物類、地點類、媒體類、物品類、抽象事物與其他類。 第二部分,共提供174個話題,筆者挑選了近幾年雅思口語考試Part 2部分的高頻真題。這些話題在《環球教育雅思口語官方題庫》中被詳細分為以下6類:人物與動物類、地點類、物品類、抽象事物類、媒體類、事件經歷類。 第三部分,

共提供80個題目,筆者挑選了近幾年雅思口語考試Part 3部分的高頻真題。這些題目在《環球教育雅思口語官方題庫》中被詳細分為家庭關係、名人影響、人際關係、公共設施等20類。在Part 1和Part 2中,對重點高頻題目進行了深入解析,解析由高頻題目、題目點評、高分範例和亮點知識總結四部分組成;非重點題目則只給出了題目和範例。在Part 3中,給出了高分範例和亮點知識總結。 楊鑫,“口語魔力藥水”學習法創始人。海歸碩士,10餘年一線教學經驗,英國GESE口語考試12級(*高級)。樸新環球教育北京學校金牌主講與教師培訓師;環球教育產品與教學中心編委;口語教研組組長。曾受邀為騰訊

中國好老師節目的專訪嘉賓。 PART 1 常考話題 Unit 1 基本資訊類 01 Name 姓名 2 02 Study 學習 4 03 Work 工作 6 04 Hometown 家鄉 8 05 Accommodation 居住情況 10 Unit 2 人物類 06 Friend 朋友 13 07 Teacher 教師 15 08 Neighbour 鄰居 17 09 Pop star 流行歌手 18 10 Celebrity 名人 19 11 Family/family activities 家人/家庭活動 20 12 Teenager 青少年 21 Unit 3

地點類 13 Museum 博物館 23 14 Park/garden 公園/花園 25 15 Place near water 近水之地 26 16 Countryside 鄉村 28 17 Country 國家 29 Unit 4 媒體類 18 Music 音樂 30 19 News 新聞 32 20 Advertisement 廣告 33 21 TV programme 電視節目 35 22 Films/movies 電影 36 23 Magazine 雜誌 37 Unit 5 物品類 24 Public transport 公共交通工具 39 25 Mobile phone 手機

41 26 Snack 小吃 42 27 Gift 禮物 44 28 Fruit 水果 45 29 Shoes 鞋 46 30 Chocolate 巧克力 48 31 Hat 帽子 49 32 Mirror 鏡子 50 33 Flower 花 51 34 Handicraft 手工藝品 52 35 Watch 手錶 53 36 Jewellery 珠寶 55 37 Bag 包 56 38 Clothes 衣服 57 39 Bike 自行車 58 40 Tree 樹 59 41 Boat 船 61 42 Toy 玩具 62 Unit 6 抽象事物與其他類 43 Reading 讀書 64 4

4 Colour 顏色 65 45 Handwriting and typing 手寫與 打字 67 46 E-mail 電子郵件 69 47 Housework 家務 70 48 Weekend 週末 72 49 Sports 運動 73 50 Swimming 游泳 74 51 Time management 時間管理 75 52 Teamwork 團隊合作 76 53 Public holidays 公共假期 77 54 Computers and the Internet 電腦與網路 78 55 Visiting home 到家中拜訪 79 56 Taking photos 攝影 80

57 Sunny days/sunshine 晴天/陽光 81 58 Birthday 生日 82 59 History 歷史 83 60 Future plan 未來計畫 85 61 Outdoor activities 戶外活動 85 62 Art 藝術 86 63 Travelling 旅行 87 64 School life 學校生活 88 65 Seasons 季節 89 66 Being in a hurry 匆忙 90 67 Being alone 獨處 91 68 Indoor games 室內遊戲 92 69 Walking 走路 93 70 Dancing 跳舞 94 7

1 Shopping 購物 95 72 Weather 天氣 96 73 Politeness 禮貌 98 74 Daily routine 日常生活 99 75 Going out 外出 100 76 Dream 夢 101 77 Robot 機器人 102 78 Noise 噪音 103 79 Science 科學 104 80 Social networking 社交網路 105 81 Staying up late 熬夜 107 82 Memory 記憶 108 83 Maths 數學 109 84 Helping others 幫助他人 110 85 Sky 天空 111 86 Sl

eep 睡覺 112 87 Collection 收集 113 88 Evening activities 傍晚活動 114 89 Meals 三餐 116 90 Camping 露營 117 91 Rainy days 雨天 118 92 Training lessons 培訓課程 119 93 Forgetting things 忘事 120 94 Studying/Working hard 努力 121 95 Communication 交流 122 96 Studying efficiency 學習效率 123 97 Happiness 幸福 124 98 Concentration

集中精力 125 99 One day in the week 一周中的一天 126 PART 2 常考話題 Unit 1 人物與動物類 01 Describe a family member who you feel proud of. 130 02 Describe a famous person who you are interested in. 132 03 Describe a person who apologised to you. 134 04 Describe a family member who influences you greatly. 136 05 Desc

ribe a business person you admire. 137 06 Describe a knowledgeable person you know. 138 07 Describe an interesting foreigner you know or read about. 139 08 Describe a good parent you know. 140 09 Describe a couple you know with a happy marriage. 140 10 Describe a person who is helpful for your work

or study. 141 11 Describe an interesting neighbour that you have. 142 12 Describe two people who you know and come from the same family. 143 13 Describe a polite person you know. 144 14 Describe a new friend who you met recently and you want to know more about. 145 15 Describe one of your friends wh

o influenced you most. 146 16 Describe a person who you like to spend much time with. 147 17 Describe a creative person you know (e.g. a musician, inventor or leader). 148 18 Describe a leader you admire. 149 19 Describe a person who you admire and is much older than you. 150 20 Describe a person wh

o just moved to live with you or moved to a new place. 151 21 Describe an interesting person in a piece of local news. 152 22 Describe a person whose job is important/who makes contribution to the society. 153 23 Describe one of your best friends. 154 24 Describe a family member who has the closest

relationship with you. 155 25 Describe a person who likes to travel by air. 156 26 Describe a person (in the news) who you want to meet. 157 27 Describe a person who can do well in the work. 158 28 Describe a wild animal that you saw from a very close distance/that you are interested in. 159 29 Desc

ribe a time when you saw an interesting animal. 160 Unit 2 地點類 30 Describe a park or a garden that you like most in your city. 161 31 Describe a popular/famous place where people like to go swimming. 163 32 Describe a foreign country where you’d like to work for a short time. 165 33 Describe a drea

m house or apartment you want to live in. 167 34 Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited (not your home) . 168 35 Describe a place where people like to listen to music in your city. 169 36 Describe a leisure facility (like a cinema, a theatre or a sports centre) you like to have in yo

ur hometown. 170 37 Describe an interesting place that only a few people know. 171 38 Describe a place with a lot of people. 172 39 Describe a café that you like. 173 40 Describe a shop that was opened recently near your home. 174 41 Describe a quiet place you like going to. 175 42 Describe a public

place in your city that you like to visit and where you can be relaxed. 176 43 Describe a public place of your city that you like most. 177 44 Describe a tall building (of your city) that you like or dislike. 178 45 Describe a stadium in your city. 179 46 Describe a place with water you like visiti

ng. 180 47 Describe a place/a city/a village which you have been to and was polluted. 181 48 Describe a street that you like to visit. 182 49 Describe a small city or town you have been to and you like. 183 50 Describe a foreign country you would like to visit but have not been to. 184 Unit 3 物品類 5

1 Describe a piece of furniture in your home. 185 52 Describe a piece of clothing that you like most. 187 53 Describe a gift you gave to someone. 189 54 Describe a traditional product in your country. 190 55 Describe something that you bought recently and made you happy. 191 56 Describe something yo

u bought because you saw or read its advertisement. 192 57 Describe a piece of clothing given by someone. 193 58 Describe a plant or a kind of vegetable of your country you like most. 194 59 Describe a free gift you received (like a free meal or a free movie, etc.). 195 60 Describe a piece of import

ant equipment/machine in your home (not a computer) . 196 61 Describe a kind of foreign food you once had. 197 62 Describe a photo of yourself that you like. 198 63 Describe an important thing you or your family have kept for a long time. 199 64 Describe a childhood toy you liked. 200 65 Describe a

useful thing that you borrowed from someone. 201 66 Describe a handicraft you made on your own. 202 Unit 4 抽象事物類 67 Describe an expensive sport you like. 203 68 Describe a science subject/an area of science that you are interested in. 205 69 Describe an interesting tradition in your country. 207 70

Describe a rule or regulation of your school that you agree or disagree with. 209 71 Describe a sport (game) you like watching. 210 72 Describe a way to stay healthy that you like. 211 73 Describe something good for you to keep fit. 212 74 Describe an enjoyable but expensive activity you do occasio

nally. 213 75 Describe an exciting activity/sport you like to try for the first time. 214 76 Describe an activity you did after school or work. 215 77 Describe a class of science that you learned in high school. 216 78 Describe a work of art (like a painting or a statue) you like. 217 79 Describe a

course/subject that you want to have in the future. 218 80 Describe a good decision that someone around you made recently. 219 81 Describe an achievement you are proud of. 220 82 Describe a success you had in your life. 221 83 Describe an activity you like doing near the sea. 222 84 Describe an inve

ntion that changed people’s life. 223 85 Describe a change you had recently. 224 86 Describe a positive change in your life. 225 87 Describe something you have wanted to do for a long time but you have not. 226 88 Describe a big company or organisation that employs a lot of people in your city. 227

89 Describe a big company you are interested in. 228 90 Describe a holiday you want to have in the future. 229 91 Describe a plan you have (not related to your study or work). 230 92 Describe someone’s decision that you disagreed with. 231 93 Describe a well-paid job that you are good at/that you mi

ght do in the future. 232 94 Describe a perfect job you want to do in the future. 233 95 Describe a kind of weather you like. 234 96 Describe a car/bike/motorbike trip you would like to go on. 235 97 Describe a (special) meal you want to have. 236 98 Describe a special short trip you want to take in

the future. 237 99 Describe a small business that you want to have in the future. 238 100 Describe an important conversation that you had and influenced you. 239 101 Describe an App or a programme. 240 102 Describe something you learned from your mistakes. 241 103 Describe a good personality you ha

ve. 242 104 Describe a method that helps you save money. 243 105 Describe a short trip that you dislike but often take. 244 106 Describe an important skill you learned during your childhood. 245 107 Describe a goal that you would like to achieve in the future. 246 108 Describe a season or time of a

year that you like most. 247 109 Describe a new skill you want to learn. 248 110 Describe a family you like (not your own) most. 249 111 Describe a difficult but right choice you made. 250 112 Describe something important you forgot to do. 251 113 Describe a team project you participated in. 252 114

Describe a dream you had at night. 253 115 Describe something you would like to do if you have one day off. 254 116 Describe a law about environment that you want to see in your country. 255 117 Describe a special festival in your hometown. 256 Unit 5 媒體類 118 Describe a movie you like. 257 119 Des

cribe a book that you like to read again. 259 120 Describe an advertisement you saw or read recently. 261 121 Describe an important letter you received. 263 122 Describe an exciting book you have read before. 264 123 Describe a useful website you often visit. 265 124 Describe a TV series or programm

e you like. 266 125 Describe a piece of good news you received from someone. 267 126 Describe a piece of interesting local news people are interested in. 268 127 Describe an interesting talk or a speech you heard recently. 269 128 Describe a song you like most/a special song for you/an interesting s

ong you like.270 129 Describe an interesting story from the TV or a book you read. 271 130 Describe an article from a magazine or newspaper. 272 Unit 6 事件經歷類 131 Describe an occasion when you helped someone. 273 132 Describe an enjoyable experience you had in your childhood. 275 133 Describe an int

eresting car/bike/motorbike trip you had. 277 134 Describe a team project you participated in. 278 135 Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know. 280 136 Describe an English class you enjoyed. 281 137 Describe a happy experience of using your mobile phone. 282 138 De

scribe an experience that you taught someone something. 283 139 Describe a time you moved to a new home or school. 284 140 Describe a time when you found all people were smiling. 285 141 Describe a time when you ate a special cake. 286 142 Describe a time when you went to an appointment much earlier

than scheduled. 287 143 Describe an occasion when a person solved a problem with a clever solution. 288 144 Describe a time when someone or something made you laugh. 289 145 Describe a challenging experience you had. 290 146 Describe an experience you spent time with a child. 291 147 Describe an ex

perience when you were waiting for something or someone. 292 148 Describe an experience of a good service you got from a shop or restaurant. 293 149 Describe an experience when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone. 294 150 Describe a wedding you enjoyed attending. 295 151 Describe a dinner

with your friends that you organised/that you had. 296 152 Describe a special short trip you had. 297 153 Describe an enjoyable day that you spent in the countryside. 298 154 Describe a time when you were really busy/when you were the busiest. 299 155 Describe a time when you needed to use your imag

ination. 300 156 Describe an occasion when you prepared/organised something. 301 157 Describe a time you missed an appointment. 302 158 Describe an occasion when you ate something for the first time. 303 159 Describe a time when you got up very early. 304 160 Describe something interesting you recen

tly did in your free time. 305 161 Describe a time when you felt a little bit angry. 306 162 Describe the first time when you talked with someone in a foreign language. 307 163 Describe a time when your plan was changed by bad weather/when you changed your plan. 308 164 Describe a happy family event

in your childhood. 309 165 Describe an unforgettable vacation/n an ideal holiday you had. 310 166 Describe a short vacation that impressed you. 311 167 Describe a time you watched the sky. 312 168 Describe an unusual activity you have done recently/currently in your free time. 313 169 Describe a ti

me when someone or something made noise. 314 170 Describe an important event in history in your country/a (period of) history that you are interested in. 315 171 Describe an art or craft activity you did at school. 316 172 Describe a special vacation you like most. 317 173 Describe a long walk you h

ad. 318 174 Describe a time when you shared something with others. 319 PART 3 常考題目 Unit 1家庭關係 01 In your culture, what do people often do to tighten family ties? 322 02 How important are family members to you? 322 03 Is the relationship among family members changing in your culture? 323 04 What can

usually cause the generation gap in families? 323 Unit 2名人影響 05 In recent years, why do so many people especially young people want to be famous? 325 06 In your country, in what ways do people become famous?/What kind of people can become famous? 326 07 What is the best part of being a celebrity i

n your country? 326 08 What are the disadvantages of being a celebrity in your country? 327 Unit 3 人際關係 09 On what occasions do people in your country usually apologise to others? 328 10 What do people in your country often do for apologies? 329 11 Do you believe people are becoming more and more s

elf-centred with the development of our society? Why?/Why not? 329 12 Are people in your city friendly to strangers? Why?/Why not? 330 Unit 4 公共設施 13 How important are parks to people in your mind? 331 14 Besides parks, what kinds of public places do people need most in cities? 331 15 If government

s only have a limited budget for public facilities, what can they do to decide which facility they should invest in? 332 16 Why are there many public facilities in cities but not in rural areas? 333 Unit 5 旅遊的意義 17 What is the importance of travelling? 334 18 What are the differences between travel

ling in your own country and travelling abroad? 335 19 What kind of places in your country can easily become popular tourist attractions? 335 20 Some travellers complain that some tourist attractions are overly commercialised. What do you think of this? 336 Unit 6 外來文化 21 Why are so many people now

adays interested in foreign cultures? 337 22 Are there some possible ways for people to learn foreign cultures? 338 23 What kinds of places can attract foreigners to settle in? 338 24 While travelling in foreign countries, some people can accept the local cultures easily but some others cannot. Why

is this? 339 Unit 7 實用傢俱 25 In your country, what factors do people usually consider when buying furniture? 340 26 Why do some people like buying expensive furniture? 341 27 What are the differences between furniture in offices and furniture at home? 341 28 Do you think the style of furniture is im

portant? Why?/Why not? 342 Unit 8外觀與外表 29 Why do some people like buying designer clothes? 343 30 Why are luxury goods very popular among some people? 343 31 Do you think one’s appearance is important? Why?/Why not? 344 32 What kinds of jobs require a good appearance? Why? 344 Unit 9 饋贈禮物 33 Do yo

u think expensive gifts are always better than cheap ones? 346 34 Do you think choosing a gift for someone is difficult? 347 35 What kinds of gifts do people in your country usually give? 347 36 In your culture, what kind of thing can never be a gift? 348 Unit 10 體育運動 37 Do you think physical educa

tion is important to schoolchildren? Why?/Why not? 349 38 What can be done to encourage schoolchildren to do more sports? 350 39 Are there any kinds of sports that schoolchildren are not supposed to do? Why?/Why not? 350 40 Do you think some dangerous sports should be banned or strictly controlled b

y governments? Why?/Why not? 351 Unit 11 科技與科學 41 In what ways can people learn something about science? 352 42 In some countries fewer and fewer females choose a major related to science. What do you think of this trend? 353 43 Is science popular in your country? 353 44 What kind of science subjec

ts do you think should be set in primary school and secondary school in your country? Why? 354 Unit 12 傳統的傳承 45 To some extent, we are losing our traditions more or less. Do you agree? 355 46 Is tradition important? 356 47 What should be done to teach children the importance of traditions? 356 48 I

n your culture, what kind of traditions do the younger generations like to follow? 357 Unit 13 規則意識 49 What is the importance of obeying rules? 358 50 How to teach children to obey rules? 358 51 What kind of punishment is suitable for children who do not obey rules? 359 52 Should children get invol

ved in rule-making at school? 359 Unit 14 影視產業 53 What kind of foreign movies can be popular in your country? 361 54 What are the differences between Hollywood movies and movies of your country? 362 55 Do you think watching foreign movies is an effective way to learn foreign cultures? 362 56 Is the

re anything that needs to be done by your government for promoting the movie industry? 363 Unit 15 讀書的意義 57 Is reading still the most effective way for people to acquire knowledge nowadays? 364 58 What are the differences between reading a novel and watching the movie based on the novel? 365 59 Wha

t should be done to encourage people to read more books? 365 60 Do you think females tend to read the same books as males? Why?/Why not? 366 Unit 16 媒體廣告 61 What kind(s) of disadvantages can advertisements bring us? 367 62 What are the benefits that advertisements can bring to people? 367 63 Can yo

u compare different kinds of advertising methods? 368 64 Can you imagine what our society would be like without any advertisements? 368 Unit 17 樂於助人 65 In your culture, what do people often do to show their hospitality? Why? 370 66 When you need some help, who is always the first person you like to

get help from? Why? 371 67 In the society, are there some people who do not like helping others especially strangers? Why? 371 68 Should children be taught to help others? 372 Unit 18 孩子教育 69 Is childhood meaningful to people? Why?/Why not? 373 70 Is good parenting important? And what do you think

good parenting should be like? 374 71 Do you think a boarding primary school is suitable for children? 374 72 Should parents use physical punishment when their children make mistakes? 375 Unit 19 私人車輛 73 What are the differences between travelling by a private car and by public transport? 376 74 I

s there any inconvenience brought by the popularity of private cars in your city? 377 75 Why do people living in the cities with highly-developed public transport still want to have their own private cars? 377 76 In your opinion, what kind of private vehicles will be the most popular in your city in

the future? 378 Unit 20 團隊合作 77 Why do some people dislike working on a team? 379 78 Why do some people always say teamwork is important? 379 79 How to teach children the importance of teamwork? 380 80 What makes a qualified team leader? 380  

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為了解決Watch movies free的問題,作者林昱辰 這樣論述:

摘要本論文包含對於紐約學派(New York School)藝術與詩學的討論,以及該學派對於美國獨立電影導演吉姆・賈木許(James Roberto “Jim” Jarmusch,1953-)作品的影響,論文旨在耙梳紐約學派詩學之成立與成就,進而透過比較文學方法說明紐約學派詩學如何影響賈木許的電影內容,再說明其電影又如何在受紐約學派詩學影響下,透過電影語言與敘事達成並且延伸與紐約學派詩藝傳統之互文,表現出紐約學派注重「日常」與視覺藝術互動的跨文本性,得以實踐該詩藝的跨文類美學,並對現代快速資本社會提出質疑與反動。本論文主要研究的問題有三:(一)是關於紐約學派與視覺藝術的互文問題,即紐約學派如

何在視覺藝術中再現詩意與又如何在文學中呈現視覺。(二)是紐約學派的詩學又是如何融入並影響賈木許的電影。(三)則是藉由研究賈木許的電影,檢視融入紐約學派風格的賈木許電影如何呈現慢而反動的美學觀。本文將先最後透過影響研究方法與互文性理論來檢視紐約學派與其他文學與視覺藝術的互文關係,在檢視詩與畫之間的影響與風格手法的類比後,以法國馬克思主義哲學家和社會學家,列費維爾(Henri Lefebvre)日常生活與空間關注的理論,以日常研究的角度檢視賈木許這種關心日常的電影中的詩學觀,以及這樣的電影帶給了觀眾怎樣的視聽體驗。紐約學派的詩學是從藝術語言到日常語言的過程,但文字在愈趨白話而描寫之主題愈近日常的表

象背後,其實得見紐約學派一路受超現實主義、抽象表現主義與普普藝術甚至六〇年代電影文化等美學觀點之影響,將視覺藝術觀點帶入美國文學傳統,於此同時仍崇尚高度藝術性。紐約學派的詩學受到一九五、六〇年代在文學藝術風潮上由高端藝術(high-art)往普羅大眾都能一窺究竟的普普藝術(pop-art)轉變的影響而往個人化、日常化發展,而此轉變帶來的其實是更多文藝題材與探討議題的可能。求學時期的賈木許在哥倫比亞大學學習英語和美國文學,當時包括第一代紐約學派詩人肯尼思・柯赫(Kenneth Koch)、大衛・夏皮羅(David Shapiro)等人都在該校任教,同時也影響了當時想成為詩人的賈木許。賈木許的電影

美學自此受到紐約學派的影響,而重視對於日常的關心。一九八〇年拍攝第一部電影《長假漫漫》(Permanent Vacation)以來,投身電影已超過四十年的賈木許至今共拍攝十七部電影,因其作品數十年來堅持獨立製作,免受商業市場牽制,而得以保有個人身為「電影作者」之特性而受到評論者注意,作品並獲得眾多影展與電影競賽獎項,二〇一六年賈木許以「詩」為主題拍攝長片《派特森》(Paterson),並請紐約學派詩人朗・佩吉(Ron Padgett)為電影創作詩作,明白地體現了紐約學派對他創作的啟示。本文受此電影啟發,將紐約學派詩藝與賈木許電影美學之間的關係作整理與連結,從跨藝術研究與影響研究的基礎出發,首先


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本研究整合多元理論探討YouTuber與觀看者之間的互動關係,具體而言,以「推敲可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM)」、「社會影響理論(Social Influence Model)」與「社會認同理論(Social Identity Theory, SIT)」,建構YouTuber如何影響觀看者的資訊採用決策模型。本研究採用非隨機準實驗設計法(Quasi-Experiment Method)進行多元實證資料蒐集,以偏最小平方結構方程模型進行分析與假說驗證。透過620位曾使用社群媒體或YouTube的樣本分析結果顯示:YouTuber的「可信賴性(T

rustworthiness)」、「專業性(Expertise)」與「相似性(Similarity)」,內容的「創新性(Innovativeness)」、「豐富性(Richness)」與「關鍵多數(Critical Mass)」會透過「來源吸引力(Source Attractiveness)」與「資訊可信度(Information Credibility)」中介機制進一步影響觀看者的資訊採用意願(Adoption Intention),涉及了「順從(Compliance)-關鍵多數」、「認同(Identification)-來源吸引力」與「內化(Internalization)-資訊可信度」三
